Bueno, ¡la histeria de COVID ha regresado y no votaré para financiar ni un centavo de esta locura de COVID!
Rather than follow the science, the CDC followed the Biden Admin’s radical political agenda to force COVID vaccines into the arms of every American, including healthy young people.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) September 6, 2023
Well, the COVID hysteria has returned and I will not vote to fund one penny of this COVID… https://t.co/shWN8FAV4m
Walensky Ex @CDCDirector actuó en contra del propio panel asesor de vacunas de los CDC para recomendar inyecciones de refuerzo de COVID-19 para estadounidenses sanos y de bajo riesgo.
Luego, el WH de Biden promovió la misma orientación no científica.
@CDCgov debe seguir la ciencia médica, no la ciencia política👇
— Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) September 6, 2023
Former @CDCDirector Walensky acted against the CDC's own vaccine advisory panel to recommend COVID-19 booster shots for healthy, low-risk Americans.
The Biden WH then promoted the same, unscientific guidance.@CDCgov must follow medical science, not political science👇 pic.twitter.com/0iggQtega3
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